Example 1a

#pragma ref-cite fn
#pragma ref-super off
#pragma ref-link-bkt '^'

Blah blah (<<Ref("Sijmons et al. 1994")>>) blah. Blah blah blah (<<Ref("!MacNish and Neate 1996")>> <<Ref("Croll and Mathews 1977")>>).

Blah blah (1) blah. Blah blah blah (2 3).


  1. Sijmons PC, Atkinson HJ, Wyss U (1994) Parasitic strategies of root nematodes and associated host cell responses. Annual Review of Phytopathology 32, 235-259. (1)

  2. MacNish GC, Neate SM (1996) Rhizoctonia bare patch of cereals: an Australian perspective. Plant Disease 80, 965-971. (2)

  3. Croll NA, Mathews BE (1977) Biology of Nematodes. (Wiley: NY, USA) 201 pp. (3)

Ref.py/Example1a (last edited 2011-01-01 13:38:07 by IanRiley)